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Showing posts from October 26, 2019

You Are A Goal -Geter

Have you ever given the fact that every living organism on this planet, including you, is designed with all the tools it needs to achieve all its goals. From the most basic life form, where their goal is simply to survive, to more advanced life forms like mammals, where they have everything they need to achieve their goal of finding food, procreating and avoiding predators. As humans we are no different, we too possess all the tools we need to achieve our goal, whatever those may be. You Possess, Intelligence, Emotional and Spiritual needs too Yes of course, your basic life goals are similar to those of other mammals and you also have the need or goal to eat, procreate and avoid danger etc. Your intelligence, emotional and spiritual needs, which other animals do not possess, add another dimension to your life and so, you also have additional goals, which other mammals do not. I believe that we all have an internal goal or need to be successful or said differently a success instinc...

Who Really Holds The Key To Your Future?

Adapt the adage of " If it is to be, then it is up to me " and accept that there is no responsible for how your future will turn out, but you. You effectively hold the keys to your own kingdom. Whether you choose to use your keys to open the door on unlimited possibility, or whether you chose to leave the door locked tightly shut, is completely up to you. As a creator, who possesses all the gifts you need to create any future you can conceive and create a crystal clear visual image of, where you see yourself actually living that picture of possibility. You truly can create any future you desire. A few tips to allow you to achieve your dreams: Create a clear picture of possibility or a vision of defining exactly what you want to achieve in the future. This picture of possibility will serve as the prize or promise in the future, which will inspire and drive you to pay the small price you need to pay daily, to achieve it. To believe that you have what it takes to achiev...

Food Enzymes

Enzymes refer to compounds that act as catalysts in a biochemical process. A catalyst is something that speeds up a biochemical reaction. Researchers have identified over 5,000 enzymes that are relevant to our health and can be categorized into three categories: digestive enzymes, food enzymes and metabolic enzymes. Food enzymes are mostly found in raw foods. However, foods that are wet-cooked at around 118 degrees Fahrenheit or higher, or dry-cooked at around 150 degrees Fahrenheit, lose the necessary enzymes that are useful to your health. A simple rule is that if you can eat wet or dry food at the highest temperature (in the process of cooking )while not burning yourself, then the food enzymes are still active and could be beneficial to your health. Some important enzymes include the following • Amylase: Responsible for digesting carbohydrates. In addition, higher doses of Amylase can help strengthen the body against various allergic reactions. • Protease: Responsible for...

Metabolic Enzymes are The Digestive Enzymes

When somebody asks "what are metabolic enzymes", this means that they are simply confused with the terms. Basically these are just the enzymes found in fruits and vegetables and are normally produced by the body in the mouth, in the stomach and in the digestive tract. The pancreas produces the pancreatic enzymes which also plays a starring role in digestion. With a successful breakdown of the food proteins, the foods are processed and release the essential nutrients needed by the body. These nutrients feed the energy of the body, an essential piece that makes the metabolism work and function well. Without these enzymes, the body cannot metabolize and can break down by starving and suffocating itself. Basically, enzymes are also proteins which sole function is specific to certain things inside the body. These enzymes will break down the protein makeup of the food particles in the mouth and makes it easier for the stomach to further break down the same and make them small en...

The Best Enzymes Are Those Produced by The Body And Plant

People are now talking about enzymes, which can be used as a preventive measure to guard against certain diseases that may affect the gastrointestinal system. There are many types of enzymes, so let's determine which are best for your certain needs. Some may suggest that you look online or visit shops that specialize in enzyme supplements. The fact is, you don't need to pursue enzyme supplements, you can achieve the full benefit of enzymes by eating the right foods and trusting the body to produce the enzymes naturally. The best enzymes come from two natural sources - those produced by the body and those found in the food we eat. The supplements contain enzymes like papain, bromelain, pepsin, chymotrypsin, pancreatin, serrapeptase and trypsin. All of these enzymes are produced naturally in the body. And, some can be found in certain fruits like papaya and pineapple, which have large amounts of papain and pepsin respectively. Marketing messages try to convince consumers t...

How Human Enzymes Work!

Human enzymes are different from plant enzymes and both help in the digestive process. Without these enzymes the body would not be able to absorb the essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients found in the food we eat, neither could the body continue to function properly without the much needed energy which can only be produced by the breakdown of food molecules and converted into it. Without enzymes, digestion would not even occur. These enzymes are found in the mouth, the stomach, and in the intestines: Amylase - these are found in the mouth. The minute anyone starts eating, the food particles are immediately broken down with the help of amylase. They break down carbohydrates such as pasta, rice and potatoes. The amylase is released the minute the mouth begins the chewing process, making the food taste even better to encourage the individual to chew even more, making the food go down easier in the stomach for further breakdown. Pepsin - this is enzyme found in the gastric juic...

Raphael Udo

Lasting longer in bed and having control over when we climax is something that almost every guy wants to achieve, myself included! In our search most of us often turn to delay creams,numbing lotions or some other type of so called quick fix to help us achieve our goal! unfortunately these rarely work and will leave you and your partner frustrated! So What Can We Do? There are however some natural methods to last longer during sex that i have found that work great and I would like to share them with you in the article below! The best part is they are easy to do and you can start using them tonight! Use The Right Position One of the best ways to increase the time it takes to reach climax is to reduce the amount of pressure and friction on your penis. This can be done through different sexual positions but the best one to use for this is the standard missionary position. However there is a twist to using the missionary position for more sexual endurance, you will need to have you...

Change it If It's not working!

It's sad how some people choose to be stuck in the same situation, no matter what! You can tell these people apart from the rest of the crowd quite easily... They are found to be always complaining; and yet, they will not do anything to change the situation they are in. They will always talk about taking a break or calling it quits, but will never do it, because they are afraid to step out of the cocoon they have built for themselves. The Cheese in Your Life! Long ago, a psychologist conducted a brilliant experiment with rats. He put a rat at the mouth of three tunnels, only one of which had cheese. The rat went up and down the tunnels, but quickly changed track when it found that there was no payoff in the two tunnels and only scampered up the one that had the payoff. But unfortunately there are many human beings, who in spite of being highly evolved creatures, do not seem to have the simple judgement that the rat showed in this experiment. These human beings spend an e...

The Great Power Of Believing in Yourself

The man who thinks he can and the man who thinks he can't are both right. Which one are you?" - Henry Ford. This simple quote holds true in just about every aspect of human life. We often forget that we have been blessed with the gift of belief. And if you truly exercise the power of believing in yourself, there is nothing that can stop you from moving mountains if you so wish. Figuratively speaking, even a tiny ant can overthrow an elephant if it so wishes, just because it has complete faith in its abilities. You do have the power of making any changes to your life, if you so wish. Obliterate Negative Thoughts. If there is any iota of doubt that keeps creeping up and hindering you from moving forward in life, all you have to do is tell yourself, "I can do this!" This simple statement will give you the confidence to push through the challenges to be successful in your endeavours. Niggling doubts and fears will be stomped out firmly just with the power of b...

Achieve Any Goal With This Unusual Sleep Routine

I'd like to show you an unusually simple but powerful sleep routine to achieve your goals faster. I call it the "WAV10 method." It's a unique way to program your subconscious mind when it's most receptive to suggestion - before sleeping and after waking up. Years of practicing visualizations, affirmations, and law of attraction techniques has led me to find this ideal formula for achieving my desires (including becoming a bestselling author). And I believe it can do the same for you. In a nutshell, WAV10 stands for Writing (W) your goal 10 times in a piece of paper or index card, then Affirming (A) everything you've written 10 times, and then Visualizing (V) your ideal result for 10 minutes. Remember to do this activity last thing before you go to sleep and first thing after you wake up. Let's say you want to be a confident public speaker. Step 1: Write down your goal 10 times in a piece of paper or index card. You can say something as simple ...