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Showing posts from January 19, 2020
Wisdom gives  you five things according to Proverbs 3:16-17: * length of days * honour * wealth * pleasure * peace Therefore , instead of praying to God for each of these things individually, pray for wisdom and wisdom will give you all of these five blessings. So, in 2020 add to your wisdom by doing the following : *Make God your shepherd and you won't Fred or anxious. * Master money and No one will master you * Invest at least 15%  of your income * At work, speak less. Let your work speak for you. To be continued.. . #capstonelearning@Raphnuggets
Don't judge your intelligence by what you know, instead judge it by what you achieve with what you know. A rich illiterate is more intelligent than a poor PhD. A degree  is as useless as tissue  paper if you can't make success out of yourself with your knowledge and education. We have allowed ourselves to be deceived that examination is a true test of knowledge. They are not. For proof, look at the Forbes list of the world's  wealthiest people. It is filled with those with little or no formal education. You are intelligent!. To be continued #capstonelearning@Raphnuggets...
If you don't teach your children about  responsibility when they are young ,  they will teach you about irresponsibility when you are old. It is better for your discipline to bring tears to their eyes than  for their indiscipline to bring tears to your eye in old age. Watch their appetites . Gluttony in childhood leads to avarice in adulthood. Over spending as a child,  result to high indebtedness as an adult. Fix these issues now and you will smile in your old age. To be continued... @capstonelearning #Raph Nuggets #