Balance... Single people have lots of time to rejuvenate, pamper, process, prissy, ponder, pontificate and produce. They can choose to go to the bank, sit in a bath, watch tv, eat chocolate, work late, fart, walk, go out, take a date, have sex, sleep alone, talk about anything they want with whoever they want. No guilt, no peering eyes, no judgemental overlord. So, the minute people get into relationships, some part of them is in serious grief for the days when they were single. And it's any wonder. Being single, looks great, from the outside. But what many people forget, is that most of those benefits can be achieved in a relationship and that they were single and hated it. Otherwise why wouldn't they still be single. So, the first answer as to why relationships fail is that we are perpetually dumb and blame the relationship for our incompetence at work, our lack of self management, our ridiculously busy lifestyle - in other words "we blame relationship for the crap in ...
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