*WHEN YOU WHERE THERE* Episode 29. .... Mona is 3 years older than Patricia, her maid. The maid quietly collected the money from Mona and left. How come I seem to do everything by myself when that's the reason she is here??? Mona murmured. "There no pap ma" Mona mimicked, Look at the way she even said it, as if am supposed to award her for that! Am even suppose to hit that her dirty mouth. Mona continued. Who even know if she's the one drinking the pap, I don't even trust her. Mona exclaimed, facing Felix. Felix didn't say a word. Ummmh! What were we even saying before that idiot interrupted??? Mona asked Felix who was just watching her. Nurse Mona, Let's talk. Felix said silently. What??? I hope it's not about what just happened??? Mona questioned. No! Its about what happened before. Felix said, looking keen at Mona. ...
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