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Showing posts from February 6, 2020
When Solomon wanted to build the temple, he asked his builder not to make noise (1kings 6:7). Don't make noise why building your success else you will attract haters who want to destroy your work. It is easy for them to destroy what you are building during the early stage. There's enough time for you to make noise after you have finish building it. Be like Solomon. After the temple was built, he invited everyone in Israel and many  foreigners to dedicate and open  the place. Take your enemies by surprise. Build in secret and open in public. To be continued... #capstonelearning@raphnuggets...
Food enters your mouth, but it is not meant to stay there . It is meant to go to your stomach, where it is digested and saves  you from starvation. Likewise, money enters your hand, and it is not meant to stay there, but it is meant to be invested and save you from poverty. If you make proper use of the money God blesses you with, your life will be heaven. Heaven is not just a place God's children go when they die. Heaven is also a place successful, purposeful and contented people live while alive. The choice of making this life a heaven or hell is in your hand think about it.  Deut. 30 :19 To be continued... #capstonelearning@raphnuggets#
Rain does not fall when the sky is blue and beautiful. Instead, the darker the cloud, the more rain it brings. Take note of that. The challenges in your life are the period of rainfall. Those period makes you grow stronger. Crisis comes with opportunity. Instead of feeling sorry for yourselves at such time, what you need is clarity. Because the greatest asset to succeed is not money, connection or good look. The number one asset you need is clarity. Once you have clarity of purpose, what you propose will stand. Clarity of vision is what will attract divine provision. To be continued... Capstonelearning@raphnugguts