Adapt the adage of "If it is to be, then it is up to me" and accept that there is no responsible for how your future will turn out, but you. You effectively hold the keys to your own kingdom. Whether you choose to use your keys to open the door on unlimited possibility, or whether you chose to leave the door locked tightly shut, is completely up to you. As a creator, who possesses all the gifts you need to create any future you can conceive and create a crystal clear visual image of, where you see yourself actually living that picture of possibility. You truly can create any future you desire.
A few tips to allow you to achieve your dreams:
- Create a clear picture of possibility or a vision of defining exactly what you want to achieve in the future. This picture of possibility will serve as the prize or promise in the future, which will inspire and drive you to pay the small price you need to pay daily, to achieve it.
- To believe that you have what it takes to achieve it. No one will start any journey unless they believe they can complete it.
- An understanding of why achieving it is important to you. This will help you to have the patience and persistence needed to overcome those inevitable obstacles you will encounter on your journey to the success you seek.
- A commitment towards, lifelong learning. You will inevitably attract success by the person you become. As you invest into your personal growth daily. You will gradually grow into the person you need to be to attract the success you desire and deserve.
- Have a great work ethic. This will support you to consistently take all the daily actions you need to take, to achieve all your goals.
- Find a way to do what you love. This will help you to remain inspired and driven to do the sometimes difficult daily tasks needed to succeed.
Choose to use your key to unlock your future
I believe that this deserves repeating here, so here goes. The person, who is holding the key to unlock your future, is "YOU" Plaster that fact everywhere you can, on your ceiling, in your bathroom, the kitchen, at your office, in fact anywhere you can see it as often as possible, throughout your day. Accept this fact, act in line with the power it brings and you will have mastered your life and discovered the key to unlimited success.
As you know what you think about, you bring about
You have incredible gifts, which serve no purpose other than, to support you to be a creator. Make the choice right now to use your gifts to mould and sculpture exactly the future you desire.
- Use your creative mind to picture possibility in the future.
- Program your Reticular activating system by setting clear concise goals.
- Project yourself into the future and see yourself actually living the future you desire and deserve.
- Think positive creative thoughts.
- Use interrogative questions to support you to unlock possibility.
- Affirm your successes.
If you want to create the future you desire, then you need to grow into the person, who can attract that sort of success into your experience. Once you grow into the kind of person you need to be, to attract the success you desire. It will be almost, as if by magic, that you will begin to attract all the resources of people, funding, skills, mentors etc. which you will need to achieve the level of success you desire. The magic needed to unlock your future success is developed using books, experience, mentors, seminars etc. but ultimately everything you need is inside you.
Unlock the magic
My experience has shown that the way to unlock the magic is found by daring, trying and then persevering. It is also found through hard work, complete acceptance and daily consistent effort. Yes of course all those factors are crucial, but the most important single factor, which will determine, whether you are successful or not, is no one other than "YOU" Understand and accept this and anything and everything becomes possible for you.
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